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CSS custom cursor image not working on hover


  • I'm trying to setup a custom css cursor across every element (i.e. applied to * selector).
  • But then apply another custom css cursor to hover states on particular elements.
  • I can get it working with custom cursors, but as soon as I use images this breaks.
  • The code snippets below work, but when I use the exact same code in my project, all I can see is the custom red cursor when hovering over an element with the .hover class
  • When I hover over a .hover element, the blue cursor (correct one) appears as a computed value in the inspector, but still shows the red cursor (incorrect one) visually on the page.

Example 1: Custom cursors that aren't images (working! ✅)

* {
    cursor: default;

.hover:hover {
    cursor: progress;
<a href="">Link 1</a>
<a href="">Link 2</a>
<a href="" class="hover">Link 3</a>

Example 2: Custom image cursors (works here, but doesn't work in my project! ❌)

* {

.hover:hover {
    cursor: url(), auto;
<a href="">Link 1</a>
<a href="">Link 2</a>
<a href="" class="hover">Link 3</a>

Note: I don't want to apply the hover state to the * selector as it just means the cursor is permanently set to hover anywhere on the page as every element triggers it.


  • Solved it! I had span tags wrapping around the text within the anchor tag which seemed to be getting in the way!

     <a href="" class="hover">Works</a>
     <a href="" class="hover"><span>Doesn't work</span></a>