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Flutter flame How to show a emerging animation

I want to show a fancy entering animation, like enemy jumps out of a black hole, comprised of multiple images in a png file. Once that's done, the enemy will show the idle image sprite.

I thought about SpriteAnimationGroupComponent to have something like

enum PlayerState { entering, idle, disappearing }

but the problem is I can not tell when the entering animation is finished so that I can transfer it to idle state.

Also thought about Effect but it doesn't work with images.

Is there an ideal approach for it? Many thanks.


  • You can add an onComplete callback to the entering animation and set the state of the player to idle.

    Something like this:

    final yourComponent = SpriteAnimationGroupComponent(...);
    yourComponent.animations[PlayerState.entering].onComplete = 
      () => yourComponent.current = PlayerState.idle;