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Hidden Features of PostgreSQL

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Any interesting tricks that you know about in Postgres? Obscure config options and scaling/perf tricks are particularly welcome.

I'm sure we can beat the 9 comments on the corresponding MySQL thread :)


  • Since postgres is a lot more sane than MySQL, there are not that many "tricks" to report on ;-)

    The manual has some nice performance tips.

    A few other performance related things to keep in mind:

    • Make sure autovacuum is turned on
    • Make sure you've gone through your postgres.conf (effective cache size, shared buffers, work mem ... lots of options there to tune).
    • Use pgpool or pgbouncer to keep your "real" database connections to a minimum
    • Learn how EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE works. Learn to read the output.
    • CLUSTER sorts data on disk according to an index. Can dramatically improve performance of large (mostly) read-only tables. Clustering is a one-time operation: when the table is subsequently updated, the changes are not clustered.

    Here's a few things I've found useful that aren't config or performance related per se.

    To see what's currently happening:

    select * from pg_stat_activity;

    Search misc functions:

    select * from pg_proc WHERE proname ~* '^pg_.*'

    Find size of database:

    select pg_database_size('postgres');
    select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('postgres'));

    Find size of all databases:

    select datname, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) as size
      from pg_database;

    Find size of tables and indexes:

    select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('public.customer'));

    Or, to list all tables and indexes (probably easier to make a view of this):

    select schemaname, relname,
        pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(schemaname || '.' || relname)) as size
      from (select schemaname, relname, 'table' as type
              from pg_stat_user_tables
            union all
            select schemaname, relname, 'index' as type
              from pg_stat_user_indexes) x;

    Oh, and you can nest transactions, rollback partial transactions++

    test=# begin;
    test=# select count(*) from customer where name='test';
    (1 row)
    test=# insert into customer (name) values ('test');
    INSERT 0 1
    test=# savepoint foo;
    test=# update customer set name='john';
    UPDATE 3
    test=# rollback to savepoint foo;
    test=# commit;
    test=# select count(*) from customer where name='test';
    (1 row)