I have been developing my first API using FastAPI/SQLAlchemy. I have been using the same four methods (Get One, Get All, Post, Delete) for multiple different entities in the database, thus creating a lot of repeated code. For example, the code below shows the methods for a Fungus entity.
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING
if TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
import models.fungus as models
import schemas.fungus as schemas
async def create_fungus(fungus: schemas.CreateFungus, db: "Session") -> schemas.Fungus:
fungus = models.Fungus(**fungus.dict())
return schemas.Fungus.from_orm(fungus)
async def get_all_fungi(db: "Session") -> List[schemas.Fungus]:
fungi = db.query(models.Fungus).limit(25).all()
return [schemas.Fungus.from_orm(fungus) for fungus in fungi]
async def get_fungus(fungus_id: str, db: "Session") -> schemas.Fungus:
fungus = db.query(models.Fungus).filter(models.Fungus.internal_id == fungus_id).first()
return fungus
async def delete_fungus(fungus_id: str, db: "Session") -> int:
num_rows = db.query(models.Fungus).filter_by(id=fungus_id).delete()
return num_rows
I have been trying to come up with an abstract design pattern with an interface class that implements these four methods independent from the entity.
However, from my understanding new Python standards and FastAPI require Python to be typed. So, how would I type the return types of these functions, instead of schemas.Fungus
, or the parameters schemas.CreateFungus
or models.Fungus
What I have thought is that I could use the type of these values, which are <class 'pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass'>
and <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.DeclarativeMeta'>
. However I am not sure if this is correct or encouraged.
I am not sure why you want to go the abstract route. But a generic interface for those common CRUD operations is certainly possible.
You could write your own generic class that is (for example) parameterized by
Here is an example of such a class that is based on what you did with the fungi models:
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeMeta, Session
GetModel = TypeVar("GetModel", bound=BaseModel)
CreateModel = TypeVar("CreateModel", bound=BaseModel)
ORM = TypeVar("ORM", bound=DeclarativeMeta)
class CRUDInterface(Generic[ORM, GetModel, CreateModel]):
orm_model: ORM
get_model: type[GetModel]
create_model: type[CreateModel]
def __init__(
orm_model: ORM,
get_model: type[GetModel],
create_model: type[CreateModel],
db_id_field: str = "id",
) -> None:
self.orm_model = orm_model
self.get_model = get_model
self.create_model = create_model
self.db_id_field = db_id_field
def create(self, data: CreateModel, db: Session) -> GetModel:
new_instance = self.orm_model(**data.dict())
return self.get_model.from_orm(new_instance)
def list(self, db: Session, limit: int = 25) -> list[GetModel]:
objects = db.query(self.orm_model).limit(limit).all()
return [self.get_model.from_orm(obj) for obj in objects]
def get(self, id_: int, db: Session) -> GetModel:
where = getattr(self.orm_model, self.db_id_field) == id_
obj = db.query(self.orm_model).filter(where).first()
return self.get_model.from_orm(obj)
def delete(self, id_: int, db: Session) -> int:
filter_kwargs = {self.db_id_field: id_}
num_rows = db.query(self.orm_model).filter_by(**filter_kwargs).delete()
return num_rows
Now this class is fully generic in terms of the models involved in the CRUD operations you showed in your example, which means upon instantiation, an object of CRUDInterface
will be properly typed in its methods, and as a bonus there is no need to pass around the specific models after initialization. The models are simply saved as instance attributes.
Assume now that you have the following models: (simplified)
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeMeta, declarative_base
ORMBase: DeclarativeMeta = declarative_base()
class Fungus(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
class Config:
orm_mode = True
class CreateFungus(BaseModel):
name: str
class FungusORM(ORMBase):
__tablename__ = "fungus"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
Here is a little usage demo with those models:
from typing_extensions import reveal_type
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
# ... import CRUDInterface, ORMBase, FungusORM, Fungus, CreateFungus
def main() -> None:
engine = create_engine("sqlite:///", echo=True)
fungus_crud = CRUDInterface(FungusORM, Fungus, CreateFungus)
with Session(engine) as db:
mushroom = fungus_crud.create(CreateFungus(name="oyster mushroom"), db)
assert mushroom.id == 1
same_mushroom = fungus_crud.get(1, db)
assert mushroom == same_mushroom
all_mushrooms = fungus_crud.list(db)
assert all_mushrooms[0] == mushroom
num_deleted = fungus_crud.delete(1, db)
assert num_deleted == 1
all_mushrooms = fungus_crud.list(db)
assert len(all_mushrooms) == 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
This executes without error and the generated SQL queries are as we would expect. Moreover, running mypy --strict
over this code yields no errors (at least with the SQLAlchemy Mypy plugin) and reveals the types as expected, too:
note: Revealed type is "Fungus"
note: Revealed type is "Fungus"
note: Revealed type is "builtins.list[Fungus]"
This clearly demonstrates the advantage of using generics over simply annotating with the common base classes or meta classes.
If you just annotated, say CRUDInterface.get
with pydantic.BaseModel
, a type checker would never be able to tell you what specific model instance will be returned. In practice, this means your IDE will not give you any suggestions about specific methods/attributes of e.g. the Fungus
Obviously, there is a lot more you can do with generics in this context. You can also make the existing methods more flexible and so on. But this example should at least get you started.