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Using C# Reflection to parse a hierarchy of data classes

I have written a data parser for my script engine that uses reflection to get the value of actual program data classes. I have a hierarchy of classes where some of my sub-classes hide other sub-classes.

C#'s runtime binder logic knows how to handle this and won't recognize members of the hidden class, but my logic can't tell the difference between a hidden member and a valid member.

The code below is a super-truncated version that illustrates my issue. As you can see from the output, both the timestamp member of the original PSR class, and the timeStamp (different case) member of the updated PSR class are found.

I'm looking for an attribute or method that can help me decide if the member I'm looking at is hidden or accessible.

using System;
using System.Reflection;`

namespace test
    static class PRD
        public static dynamic prdData { get; private set; } = new PRD_P20();

    public abstract class PRD_DATA
        public BLE ble = new BLE();
        public class BLE : PRD_BLE_BASE { }

    public abstract class PRD_BLE_BASE
        public PSR psr = new PSR();
    public class PSR
        public string timestamp = "original";

    public class PRD_P20 : PRD_DATA
        /* Instantiate new version BLE and hide the parent class  */
        public new BLE ble = new BLE();

        public new class BLE
            public PSR psr = new PSR();

        public class PSR
            public string timeStamp = "updated";

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var o = PRD.prdData;
            foreach (FieldInfo f in o.GetType().GetFields())
                Console.WriteLine(f.Name + " " + f.DeclaringType);

                object o1 = f.GetValue(o);
                foreach (FieldInfo f1 in o1.GetType().GetFields())
                    Console.WriteLine("----" + f1.Name);

                    object o2 = f1.GetValue(o1);
                    foreach (FieldInfo f2 in o2.GetType().GetFields())
                        Console.WriteLine("--------" + f2.Name + ": " + f2.GetValue(o2));

            Console.WriteLine(PRD.prdData.ble.psr.timestamp);   // Fails RuntimeBinderException



ble test.PRD_P20
--------timeStamp: updated
ble test.PRD_DATA
--------timestamp: original


  • Sounds like you want to include fields from only the type itself, not its ancestors, so you need to check its declaring type. See the Where clause below.

    static void Main(string[] args)
        dynamic prdData = PRD.prdData;
        TypeInfo prdDataType = prdData.GetType();
        var filteredFields = prdDataType.GetFields().Where( x => x.DeclaringType == prdDataType).ToList();
        foreach (FieldInfo prdDataField in filteredFields)
            object prdFieldValue = prdDataField.GetValue(prdData);
            Console.WriteLine("Found field '{0}' declared in type '{1}' with a value of '{2}' which is of type '{3}'", prdDataField.Name, prdDataField.DeclaringType, prdFieldValue, prdFieldValue.GetType().FullName);
            foreach (FieldInfo f1 in prdFieldValue.GetType().GetFields())
                object o2 = f1.GetValue(prdFieldValue);
                foreach (FieldInfo f2 in o2.GetType().GetFields())
                    Console.WriteLine("f2.Name:" + f2.Name + ": " + f2.GetValue(o2));

    See Fiddle example