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How to fetch two json Value via one field in freezed?

Suppose I have a model class in freezed,

abstract class Dto implements _$Dto {
  const factory Dto({
    String? name,
    String? url,
  }) = _Dto;

  factory Dto.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

Now, the json responses are,


      "name": "superuser root",
      "display_picture_url": "/media_server/user.jpg"
      "name": "superuser root",
      "picture_url": "/media_server/user.jpg"

Without freezed, I write like this,

factory Dto.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Dto(
          name: json["name"],
          value: json.containsKey('display_picture_url')
              ? json["display_picture_url"] :

But in freezed, how can I achieve this?

I tried with JsonConverters, But I don't know how to deal with this scenario!


  • You can do this with readValue parameter of @JsonKey.

    Excerpt from readValue docs:

    At times it's convenient to customize this behavior to support alternative names or to support logic that requires accessing multiple values at once.


    Dto/Model setup:
    Object? _urlReader(Map json, String key) {
      if (key == 'picture_url') {
        return json['picture_url'] ?? json['display_picture_url'];
      return json[key];
    class Dto with _$Dto {
      const factory Dto({
        String? name,
        @JsonKey(name: 'picture_url', readValue: _urlReader) String? url,
      }) = _Dto;
      factory Dto.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DtoFromJson(json);
    Future<void> testJson() async {
      const json = """
          "name": "Name 01",
          "picture_url": "https://picture.url"
          "name": "Name 02",
          "display_picture_url": "https://display.picture.url"
      final decodedJson = jsonDecode(json) as List<dynamic>;
      final models = {
        return Dto.fromJson(e);
    testJson() output:
    (Dto(name: Name 01, url: https://picture.url), Dto(name: Name 02, url: https://display.picture.url))