In my FastAPI
project's Swagger UI, when I execute an API after a while I get this error:
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded in FastAPI
When I check the Network tab in browser's inspect, I can see that the status code is 200 and I can view the result response there. But the loading icon is still spinning in Swagger UI and after a while I get that error.
After lots of investigations, I realized that Swagger UI has issue with large responses (2MB+ in my case ).
I tried this:
app = FastAPI(
swagger_ui_parameters={'syntaxHighlight.theme': 'obsidian'}
But it didn't work.
Does anyone has any idea how to do it right?
I found out that one solution for this is to disable the syntax highlight in Swagger configurations. So I tried to deactivate it with FastAPI like this:
app = FastAPI(
swagger_ui_parameters={'syntaxHighlight': False}
And it's working now.