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Suppress date and column heading in googlefinance historical data

I'm attempting to get a column of data which represents the highest stock price for a given stock beginning on an arbitrary date, through today. I have a column of ticker symbols in column A, and a purchase date in column B. I want to populate column C with the highest stock price for that stock since the purchase date.

Symbol Purchase date High since purchase
IBM 1/1/2023 (googlefinance formula)
TSLA 5/1/2023 (googlefinance formula)

I'm trying:


or more literally:


What that returns is two columns of data, one for date and the other for the requested value, each with column headers, with a separate row for each date and associated value. It looks like:

Symbol Purchase date High since purchase
IBM 1/1/2023 #REF
TSLA 5/1/2023 Date High
4/14/2023 16:00:00 191.58
4/21/2023 16:00:00 189.69
4/28/2023 16:00:00 165.65

It only processes the last ticker in the list, because the higher ones would overwrite the lower ones.

I don't need the date or the column headers; what I need is ONLY the highest value returned for the entire specified date range. I have a couple hundred different ticker symbols in column A, so I don't want to try to muck around with hidden rows and columns - I just need an answer in a single cell, like this:

Symbol Purchase date High since purchase
IBM 1/1/2023 147.18
TSLA 5/1/2023 191.58

I also tried a max() wrapper around the entire function, which does return a single value, but unfortunately it's always a date, because the number of days since the number of days since 1900 is pretty much always going to be more than any stock price, even Bitcoin.


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