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Disabling custom button inside QDialogButtonBox

I have a QDialogButtonBox that contains the two custom buttons Start and Cancel. According to this answer, the best way to add these buttons is as follows:

button_box = QDialogButtonBox()
button_box.addButton("Launch", QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole)
button_box.addButton("Cancel", QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole)

One of the two buttons must now be deactivated. I tried to adopt the code from here:


but this seems only to work with the default qt buttons like Ok etc. I came up with the following working solution, but I wanted to ask if there is a more direct way I missed.

for btn in button_box.buttons():
    if btn.text() == "Launch":


  • You should be able to retrieve the button from the addButton function, and save it to a variable according to the docs.

    #create button box w/ custom buttons
    button_box = QDialogButtonBox()
    launch_button = button_box.addButton("Launch", QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole)
    cancel_button = button_box.addButton("Cancel", QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole)
    # disable the launch button