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Spring Boot Native - Can't find file in /resources

I've built a Spring Boot native executable using the command mvn clean package -Pnative but it can't read files in /resources.

Java code:

        try (InputStream inputStream = Reader.class.getClassLoader()
                                                   .getResourceAsStream(filename)) {
            if (inputStream == null) throw new RTException("Can't find file " + filename + " in /resources.");
            fileString = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, UTF_8);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RTException("Issue reading or parsing file " + filename + "\n" + e.getMessage());

In pom.xml, as required in this Baeldung article:

<!-- closing tags -->

In META-INF/native-image/[groupId]/[artifactId]/

Args = -H:IncludeResources=".*/*.txt$"

When launching the native executable, I get

(...).RTException: Issue reading or parsing file file.txt
Can't find file file.txt in /resources.`

The file file.txt is in /resources and there is no problem reading it using a non-native build.

What am I missing here ?


  • Found it.

    Adding under META-INF only works when running the command native-image -jar [app.jar] (not tested though).

    When building the native image with Maven, it doesn't read the content of META-INF (tested with some invalid arg in, no error thrown).

    To make it work I've added <buildArgs> this in the Maven plugin config (found in plugin doc):

    <!-- closing tags -->