I tried to create a public-read ACL bucket using the AWS JavaScript SDK client for S3's CreateBucketCommand
. It was working fine last week, but after recent AWS changes, I started receiving the following error message: 'Bucket cannot have ACLs set with ObjectOwnership's BucketOwnerEnforced'.
Here is the code I used to create the public bucket:
const command = new CreateBucketCommand({
ACL: 'public-read',
Bucket: bucket,
await this.S3Client.send(command)
What changes should I make to the code to create a public-read bucket using CreateBucketCommand
that is compatible with the latest AWS changes?
Couldn't find a solution that can create a public bucket just by modifying CreateBucketCommand
. So to achieve the result, I needed to add ObjectOwnership: 'BucketOwnerPreferred'
(which is optional and the default value for ObjectOwnership is BucketOwnerPreferred ) flag to CreateBucketCommand
and put public access to that bucket using PutPublicAccessBlockCommand
Here is the code modified to achieve the same.
async createBucket(options) {
const { bucket } = options
const command = new CreateBucketCommand({
Bucket: bucket,
ObjectOwnership: 'BucketOwnerPreferred',
// ACL: 'public-read',
await this.S3Client.send(command)
await this.putPublicAccess(options)
return { bucket }
async putPublicAccess(options) {
const { bucket } = options
const input = {
Bucket: bucket,
PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: {
BlockPublicAcls: false,
IgnorePublicAcls: false,
BlockPublicPolicy: false,
RestrictPublicBuckets: false,
const command = new PutPublicAccessBlockCommand(input)
await this.S3Client.send(command)
return { bucket }