I'm using this indicator and trying to modified it to make alert. Its done.
Then when I'm trying to add strategy entry it says
error : compiling script
and the indicator doesn't work; it disappears, without any detail.
I've tried 5-10 code about strategy entry and strategy error no one working.
I want to test this indicator into tradingview strategy tester.
// Tradingview.com Pinescript @author Ni6HTH4wK [LAVA]
study(title="[LAVA] Heiken Ashi Oscillator")
// Inputs
n1 = input(10, title="Multiplier", minval=1)
n2 = input(42, title="RSI Length", minval=2)
q1 = input(false, title="Show as RSI")
// Sources
hk_open = security(heikenashi(tickerid), tostring((interval*n1)), open)
hk_stop = security(heikenashi(tickerid), tostring((interval*n1)), close)
hk_local_open = na(hk_open[1])?open:(hk_open[1]+ohlc4[1])/2
hk_local_stop = ohlc4
// Source logic
oc_hi = max(hk_local_open,hk_local_stop)
oc_lo = min(hk_local_open,hk_local_stop)
oc_dif = avg(oc_hi-oc_lo, high-low)
dif_ema = ema(oc_dif, 14)
std_dev = stdev(dif_ema, 20)
// Heiken Ashi Logic
hk_bull = hk_stop>hk_open?low>=hk_open?3*std_dev+hk_bull[1]:1*std_dev+hk_bull[1]:0
hk_bear = hk_open>hk_stop?high<=hk_open?3*std_dev+hk_bear[1]:1*std_dev+hk_bear[1]:0
// Heiken Ashi RSI
hk_rsi = rsi(cum(hk_bull)-cum(hk_bear), 14)
// Coloring
hk_cci = cci(ohlc4, n2)>0
// Plotting
plot(q1?na:hk_bull>0?hk_bull:na, title="Bullish Heiken Ashi", style=areabr, color=#339933, transp=50)
plot(q1?na:hk_bear>0?hk_bear:na, title="Bearish Heiken Ashi", style=areabr, color=#ff0f0f, transp=50)
plot(q1?hk_rsi:na, title="Heiken Ashi RSI", linewidth=2, color=hk_cci?#459915:#cf0023, transp=50)
plot(q1?70:na, color=#222222)
plot(q1?30:na, color=#222222)
changeToGreen = hk_bull <=0
changeToRed = hk_bear <=0
alertcondition(changeToGreen, title = "AO color changed to green", message = "Awesome Oscillator's color has changed to green")
alertcondition(changeToRed, title = "AO color changed to red", message = "Awesome Oscillator's color has changed to red")
// Order conditions
enterLong = hk_bull <=0
// Submit long orders
if (enterLong)
strategy.order(id="Enter Long", long=true)
I'm trying to make long when the green start and short when red start. Close when it change colour
I can backtest this strategy using trading view
You need to add the version identifier //@version=2
and change your script to a strategy
strategy(title="[LAVA] Heiken Ashi Oscillator")