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GitHub "Used By" / Dependents Not Populating

My project pyngrok has hundreds of starts, is listed as a PyPI "Critical Project", and thus is used by many other projects, including significant ones. But the "Used By" section has never populated or show up on my project's GitHub page. Similarly, if I go in to check on the Dependency Graph, nothing is ever listed as dependent of pyngrok, despite the fact that it's been on pip for years and it definitely has dependents (including some of my own projects. These projects list it in their requirements.txt or (and such projects do show up on, so seems like they're listing dependencies properly).

GitHub's own documentation on how exactly the Dependency Graph works and Used By is populated is sparse at best, but from what they have published, my package meets all the requirements. But I'm wondering if I'm missing an obvious configuration step on my end, since I have the exact same issue on pyngrok's sister Java project java-ngrok—it's less popular, but still definitely has dependents that should be appear. Am I doing something wrong here? I raised a ticket a while back with GitHub, but they never responded, so any direction others could give would be greatly appreciated!


  • Following up on this, as it is now resolved. I've also seen that many users are reporting the same issue on this (and other) GitHub Community page(s). Ultimately, though, none of those solutions worked for my Python or Java repos—I opened a GitHub support ticket, and while it took a couple weeks to get a response, their engineers took a look to resolve the issue.

    If you're experiencing the same issue, try opening a ticket with GitHub Support. They didn't explain to me what they did to fix it, simply that their engineers looked at the issue and that it should now be resolved (and it was, but it appears to be some manual process they have to do for each effected repo, so send them a link to yours as well through a ticket).