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Migrating from SafetyNet to Play Integrity API in Flutter

I tried to Migrating from SafetyNet to Play Integrity API (playstore published) my flutter app.

problem :

Now, The Auth is working on real devices (physical devices). But, when run phone auth on real devices, It's going to reCAPTCHA verification. I want to remove reCAPTCHA verification. (Also show firbease project name in OTP SMS)

I did these changes for migrate:

  • disabled Android device verification api from cloud console and enabled Play Integrity API

  • added this codes to app level Build gradle

    dependencies {    
      // Import the BoM for the Firebase platform
      implementation platform('')
      // Add the dependency for the Firebase Authentication library
      // When using the BoM, you don't specify versions in Firebase library dependencies
      implementation ''
  • Linked firebase project to play console

setup >> App integrity linked Google Cloud project

What I found:

  • reCAPTCHA can work when SafetyNet or the Integrate API is not working.
  • Now not available : Android device verification api on Cloud console

Therefore, case for this problem can be SafetyNet or the Integrate API is not working


  • Finally I solved my problem-

    In my case It's happened because

    Play Integrity API must use the Play deployed version of your app.