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How to create for each of the MS Access datatables in

How to create for each of the MS Access datatables in So I want to appear one by one according to "EMPID" in print preview. should appear in those print preview based on one row each

  Private Sub Generate()
        Dim dt As New DataTable()
        Dim query = "Select EMPID,[NAME],MONTHLYSALARY From tblemployee"
        Using adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(query, Con)
        End Using
 For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
            Dim EMPID As String = row("EMPID").ToString()
            Dim NAME As String = row("NAME").ToString()
            Dim MONTHLYSALARY As String = row("MONTHLYSALARY").ToString()
        Next row
    End Sub
 Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    End Sub

Print preview Print preview in 3 page

'desired Result Desired Result Page One Desired Result Page Two Desired Result Page Three

option report


  • As I've said in the comments, this loop doesn't make sense as it is:

    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
        Dim EMPID As String = row("EMPID").ToString()
        Dim NAME As String = row("NAME").ToString()
        Dim MONTHLYSALARY As String = row("MONTHLYSALARY").ToString()
    Next row

    As it is, you loop through rows and get the field values from the current row and just ignore them, then add the whole table to the report. You add the whole table to the report multiple times, once for each row.

    I don't use that reporting tool and there doesn't seem to be any proper documentation at present so I'll make an educated guess at what to do. Your first choice should be to use a method that allows you to add a single DataRow, if one exists, e.g.

    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
    Next row

    If that's not possible, the next option should be a method that allows you to add a list of DataRows, e.g.

    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
    Next row

    If that's not possible, you can stick with the method you're using to add a DataTable but you need to create a new DataTable for each row, not add the existing DataTable, containing all the rows, multiple times, e.g.

    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
        Dim table = {row}.CopyToDataTable()
    Next row


    Based on the screenshot that was added to the question of methods available, you might also use DataViews of the original DataTable instead of new DataTables, e.g.

    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
        Dim view = New DataView(dt, row(dt.PrimaryKey.First()), Nothing, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
    Next row

    That assumes that the DataTable has a PrimaryKey and it is a single column. Presumably your EMPID should be the PK. If it's not, try setting the MissingSchemaAction property of your data adapter to AddWithKey and the PK information should be propagated from the database.