I have a KmmShared singleton class with a MutableStateFlow which works fine with Android. I need to know the best way to access this Singleton class and it's MutableStateFlow variable with updates in SwiftUI application.
class MySingeltonClass {
private val _selectedType: MutableStateFlow<MyEnum> = MutableStateFlow(getUserPrefsType())
var selectedType = _selectedType.asStateFlow()
private fun getUserPrefsType() : MyEnum {
// Get Enum from DB
fun setType(scheme: MyEnum) {
// Set Enum in DB
_selectedType.value = scheme
companion object {
private lateinit var instance: MySingeltonClass
fun getInstance(): MySingeltonClass {
if (!this::instance.isInitialized) {
instance = MySingeltonClass()
return instance
enum class MyEnum {
If I can have a MySingeltonWrapperClass
with a @Published var selectedType
or a @ObservedObject private var selectedType
is something that I'm trying to achieve in Swift.
It's kinda tricky topic. The main problems with Flow
/ StateFlow
in SwiftUI applications lay in Kotlin <-> Swift interoperability. Because it has several limitations:
to be able to cancel jobGood articles to understand better: one, two
There are several workarounds available:
in Kotlin class
. Great example of this technique you can find in the official KMM sample repo.At first, author introduces new class CFlow
fun interface Closeable {
fun close()
class CFlow<T: Any> internal constructor(private val origin: Flow<T>) : Flow<T> by origin {
fun watch(block: (T) -> Unit): Closeable {
val job = Job()
onEach {
}.launchIn(CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + job))
return Closeable { job.cancel() }
internal fun <T: Any> Flow<T>.wrap(): CFlow<T> = CFlow(this)
Then uses it in SwiftUI:
class ObservableFeedStore: ObservableObject {
@Published public var state: FeedState = FeedState(progress: false, feeds: [], selectedFeed: nil)
var stateWatcher : Closeable?
init(store: FeedStore) {
stateWatcher = self.store.watchState().watch { [weak self] state in
self?.state = state
deinit {
When you setup this library you can create Swift AnyPublisher
for your Kotlin Flow
/ StateFlow
let publisher = createPublisher(for: yourFlow)
/ StateFlow
. You can use simple alternative for it. Take a look at Decompose project and it's Value
class.abstract class Value<out T : Any> {
abstract val value: T
abstract fun subscribe(observer: (T) -> Unit)
abstract fun unsubscribe(observer: (T) -> Unit)
You can still pretty easy use it in your Compose Application to get State
, sample from Decompose:
fun <T : Any> Value<T>.subscribeAsState(policy: SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> = structuralEqualityPolicy()): State<T> {
val state = remember(this, policy) { mutableStateOf(value, policy) }
DisposableEffect(this) {
val observer: (T) -> Unit = { state.value = it }
onDispose {
return state
and in SwiftUI you can use, ObservableValue
helper from Decompose:
public class ObservableValue<T : AnyObject> : ObservableObject {
private let observableValue: Value<T>
var value: T
private var observer: ((T) -> Void)?
init(_ value: Value<T>) {
observableValue = value
self.value = observableValue.value
observer = { [weak self] value in self?.value = value }
observableValue.subscribe(observer: observer!)
deinit {
observableValue.unsubscribe(observer: self.observer!)