Whenever I try to fetch data from my route handler from within a server component in NextJS, the query is made by the server, therefor the route handler returns this error : { error: 'JSON object requested, multiple (or no) rows returned' }
When I try to query my route handler 'manually' I have no issues because I have my supabase-auth-token
set. So the createRouteHandlerSupabaseClient
in the routeHandler have no issues.
But when the server does I think it can't be authentified as "me". To specify, I have correctly set the prerequisites from the supabase documentation here. I am using NextJS 13 and the 'app' directory.
const res = await fetch(`${process.env.HOST}/api/customroute/` + params.id)
const test = await res.json()
export async function GET(req, { params }) {
const supabase = createRouteHandlerSupabaseClient({
const { data, error } = await supabase
.eq('id', params.id)
if (error == null) {
return NextResponse.json({ data });
return NextResponse.json({ error: error.message });
I can go back to fecthing data using a createServerComponentSupabaseClient
directly in my server component but for the sake of code replication I would prefer to use an API.
Is there something I am missing ?
I have tried to set the user data in the route handler using const { data: { user } } = await supabase.auth.getUser()
but it did not work.
Okay, after a lot of digging, I found the (obvious) answer to this. This is currently a bug in NextJS. The cookies are not correctly passed by the server when calling a routehandler. So the cookies list is empty. This is documented in this youtube video from supabase. https://youtu.be/KmJN-bEayeY?t=600 The current workaround is to implement the query inside the server component.