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Why the RK4 method is not conserving the energy in such an unusual way?

Firstly I precise that I know that the RK4 method is not preserving energy. Though the energy should decrease with slow oscillations, when in my problem such an usual behavior is not seen as i will explain.

I want to simulate a double pendulum using the RK4 method. I'm using the Tkinter library to animate it, and I plot the energy along time when the tkinter window which contains the animation is closed. The result is : energy in 10KJ and time in an arbitrary unit You see that the mean value of the energy seems to be quite stable, though far from the initial value, and with huge oscillations. I believe such a result to be strange for a RK4 method and look forward an explaination.

The code is separated in the init function used to initiate variables and the tkinter window, the animate part with the RK4 method and the update of the animation, the calculate_energy part that adds E the calculated energy to the list self.E, and on_closing and run that returns the list of energy E after running the simulation, that i'm then ploting.

import math
import tkinter as tk
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class DoublePendulum:
    def __init__(self,  length1, length2, angle1, angle2, p1, p2, gravity,m1,m2,dt):
        global root
        root= tk.Tk()
        root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_closing)
        # Create a TKinter window

        self.canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=self.WINDOWSIZE, height=self.WINDOWSIZE)
        # Set initial position and velocity of pendulum
        self.origin = (x, y)
        self.angle1 = math.radians(angle1)
        self.angle2 = math.radians(angle2)
        self.p1 = math.radians(p1)  
        self.p2 = math.radians(p2)
        self.length1 = length1
        self.length2 = length2
        self.gravity = gravity
        self.m1 = m1
        self.m2 = m2
        # Calculate initial position of pendulum
        self.position1 = (x + length1 * math.sin(self.angle1), y + length1 * math.cos(self.angle1))
        self.position2 = (self.position1[0] + length2 * math.sin(self.angle2), self.position1[1] + length2 * math.cos(self.angle2))
        # Draw the pendulum arms and bobs
        self.arm1 = self.canvas.create_line(self.origin[0], self.origin[1], 
                                            self.position1[0], self.position1[1], 
        self.arm2 = self.canvas.create_line(self.position1[0], self.position1[1], 
                                            self.position2[0], self.position2[1], 
        self.bob1 = self.canvas.create_oval(self.position1[0]+25, self.position1[1]+25, 
                                             self.position1[0]-25, self.position1[1]-25,fill=color)
        self.bob2 = self.canvas.create_oval(self.position2[0]+15, self.position2[1]+15, 
                                             self.position2[0]-15, self.position2[1]-15,fill=color)
    def animate(self):
        # Calculate the new positions of the pendulum arms and bobs
        # based on the current positions, velocities, and gravity
        current_state = [self.angle1, self.p1, self.angle2, self.p2]
        #F_A is just here to make the code simpler using those variables
        F_A = lambda y1: [(y1[1] * y1[3] * math.sin(y1[0] - y1[2])) / (self.length1 * self.length2 * (self.m1 + self.m2 * math.sin(y1[0] - y1[2])**2)),
                (1 / (2 * self.length1**2 * self.length2**2 * (self.m1 + self.m2 * math.sin(y1[0] - y1[2])**2)**2)) * ((y1[1]**2 * self.m2 * self.length2**2) - (2 * y1[1] * y1[3] * self.m2 * self.length1 * self.length2 * math.cos(y1[0] - y1[2])) + (y1[3]**2 * (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.length1**2)) * math.sin(2 * (y1[0] - y1[2]))]

        F = lambda y2: [(y2[1] * self.length2 - y2[3] * self.length1 * math.cos(y2[0] - y2[2])) / (self.length1**2 * self.length2 * (self.m1 + self.m2 * math.sin(y2[0] - y2[2])**2)),
                -((self.m1 + self.m2) * self.gravity * self.length1 * math.sin(y2[0])) - A_1 + A_2,
                (y2[3] * (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.length1 - y2[1] * self.m2 * self.length2 * math.cos(y2[0] - y2[2])) / (self.m2 * self.length1 * self.length2**2 * (self.m1 + self.m2 * math.sin(y2[0] - y2[2])**2)),
                -(self.m2 * self.gravity * self.length2 * math.sin(y2[2])) + A_1 - A_2]
        Y1 = [self.dt * x for x in F(current_state)]
        A_1,A_2=F_A(np.array(current_state)+np.array([0.5 * f_i for f_i in Y1]))
        Y2=[self.dt * x for x in F(np.array(current_state)+np.array([0.5 * f_i for f_i in Y1]))]
        A_1,A_2=F_A(np.array(current_state)+np.array([0.5 * f_i for f_i in Y2]))
        Y3=[self.dt * x for x in F(np.array(current_state)+np.array([0.5 * f_i for f_i in Y2]))]
        Y4=[self.dt * x for x in F(np.array(current_state)+(Y3))]
        Y=(np.array(Y1)+np.array([2 * x for x in Y2])+np.array([2 * x for x in Y3])+np.array(Y4))
        [self.angle1, self.p1, self.angle2, self.p2] = np.array(current_state) + np.array([(1/6) * x for x in Y])
        self.position1 = (self.origin[0] + self.length1 * math.sin(self.angle1), self.origin[1] + self.length1 * math.cos(self.angle1))
        self.position2 = (self.position1[0] + self.length2 * math.sin(self.angle2),self.position1[1] + self.length2 * math.cos(self.angle2))

        # Update the positions of the pendulum arms and bobs
        self.canvas.coords(self.arm1, self.origin[0], self.origin[1], self.position1[0], self.position1[1])
        self.canvas.coords(self.arm2, self.position1[0], self.position1[1], self.position2[0], self.position2[1])
        self.canvas.coords(self.bob1, self.position1[0]-25, self.position1[1]-25, self.position1[0]+25, self.position1[1]+25)
        self.canvas.coords(self.bob2, self.position2[0]-25, self.position2[1]-25, self.position2[0]+25, self.position2[1]+25)

        # Call the animate function again after a short delay
        self.canvas.after(8, self.animate)


    def calculate_energy(self):
        #the calculus necessary to plot the energy in real time
        # Calculate the y positions 
        y1 = self.position1[1]
        y2 = self.position2[1]
        #calculate omegas, the angles derivative
        current_state = [self.angle1, self.p1, self.angle2, self.p2]
        Fh = lambda y: [(y[1] * self.length2 - y[3] * self.length1 * math.cos(y[0] - y[2])) / (self.length1**2 * self.length2 * (self.m1 + self.m2 * math.sin(y[0] - y[2])**2)),
                (y[3] * (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.length1 - y[1] * self.m2 * self.length2 * math.cos(y[0] - y[2])) / (self.m2 * self.length1 * self.length2**2 * (self.m1 + self.m2 * math.sin(y[0] - y[2])**2))]
        #calculate velocities of the masses
        vx1 = self.length1 * omega1 * np.cos(self.angle1)
        vy1 = self.length1 * omega1 * np.sin(self.angle1)
        vx2 = vx1 + self.length2 * omega2 * np.cos(self.angle2)
        vy2 = vy1 + self.length2 * omega2 * np.sin(self.angle2)
        # Calculate the kinetic energy of each mass
        K1 = 0.5 * self.m1 * (vx1**2 + vy1**2)
        K2 = 0.5 * self.m2 * (vx2**2 + vy2**2)
        # Calculate the potential energy of each mass
        U1 = self.m1 * self.gravity * y1
        U2 = self.m2 * self.gravity * y2
        # Add the kinetic and potential energy for each mass to get the total energy
        E = K1 + K2 + U1 + U2
        #add the calculated energy

    def on_closing(self):
        #make the prog return self.E on closing
        root.return_value = self.E
        # Destroy the main window

    def run(self):
        # Start the main loop of TKinter
        return root.return_value

# Create a DoublePendulum object and start the animation
DoublePendulum=DoublePendulum(150, 150, 100, 250, 10, 15, 9.81, 10, 10, 0.1)
# Define the time array
t = [i*dt for i in range(len(E))]

# Plot the energy as a function of time
plt.plot(t, E)

# Set the plot title and axis labels
plt.title('Energy as a function of time')

# Show the plot

I verified my equations (I'm using those equations : ), and was unable to find an error. I don't think I can exhibit a pertinent minimal repoducible exemple since it is the problem as a whole that is interesting here. Everything seems to run as expected in my tests, like if it was expected behavior that the energy would be so weird looking.


  • I found the problem: When you use the canvas in Tkinter, y axis is inverted.

    So when I was writing:

      self.position1 = (self.origin[0] + self.length1 * math.sin(self.angle1), self.origin[1] """+""" self.length1 * math.cos(self.angle1))
      self.position2 = (self.position1[0] + self.length2 * math.sin(self.angle2),self.position1[1] """+""" self.length2 * math.cos(self.angle2))

    in self.animate I was wrong (there should be a minus instead of """+""", it corrects the energy function), but the bob were place at the correct place by the program so i cannot tell. I found this trick :

    self.position1 = (self.origin[0] + self.length1 * math.sin(self.angle1), self.origin[1] - self.length1 * math.cos(self.angle1))
    self.position2 = (self.position1[0] + self.length2 * math.sin(self.angle2),self.position1[1] - self.length2 * math.cos(self.angle2))
    y1canvas=self.origin[1] + self.length1 * math.cos(self.angle1)
    y2canvas= y1canvas + self.length2 * math.cos(self.angle2)
    # Update the positions of the pendulum arms and bobs
    self.canvas.coords(self.arm1, self.origin[0], self.origin[1], self.position1[0],y1canvas)
    self.canvas.coords(self.arm2, self.position1[0], y1canvas, self.position2[0], y2canvas)
    self.canvas.coords(self.bob1, self.position1[0]-25, y1canvas-25, self.position1[0]+25, y1canvas+25)
    self.canvas.coords(self.bob2, self.position2[0]-25, y2canvas-25, self.position2[0]+25, y2canvas+25)

    To reiterate: in the canvas, Y AXIS IS INVERTED (if you add -100 on y you go up)