I want to create a template that prints any container which its element can be printed by std::cout or any other stream.
I want to be able to tell which stream it should print into, therefore somehow I need to pass the target stream as an arguemnt? Below is the code that I came up with. But there are couple of problems that I havent figured out yet
If I use fprintf()
then I can directly pass the stream
as argument to fprintf
but then the problem is the element need to be a char *
while std::cout will take care of type conversion I suppose much easier?
template<template<typename...> typename C, typename E, typename S>
void my_printer(const C<E>& container,
S separator = ' ',
FILE *stream = stdout) {
typename C<E>::size_type index = 0;
typename C<E>::size_type lastIndex = container.size() - 1;
for (const auto& element: container) {
if (stream == stdout) {
std::cout << element;
if (index < lastIndex) {
std::cout << separator;
} else if (stream == stderr) {
std::cerr << element;
if (index < lastIndex) {
std::cerr << separator;
Change the parameter to a std::ostream &
template<template<typename...> typename C, typename E, typename S>
void my_printer(const C<E>& container,
S separator = ' ',
std::ostream &stream=std::cout) {
Now, you can pass either std::cerr
or, explicitly, std::cout
if you feel like it, and then use all the regular stream formatted operations.