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How can I create a new post in blogdown with a .Rmd extension?

I'm trying to create an R Markdown file using the function blogdown::new_post("my new post"), but it always creates a straight markdown file with a .md extension.

In the RStudio addin there is an option to change the format to either .Rmd or .Rmarkdown (

Is there any way to specify R Markdown format with the command line function?


  • To create R Markdown files with blogdown on the command line, I've found 2 different options:

    1. With the function blogdown::new_post(), use the parameter ext e.g. blogdown::new_post("my new post", ext=".Rmd")
    2. Set .Rmd or .Rmarkdown as the default extension by adding an option in the .Rprofile file e.g. option(blogdown.ext = ".Rmd") (Reload the R environment after updating.)

    For further information on global options see:

    I didn't find any specific documentation on the function parameters, but entering the function name without the brackets in the terminal e.g. blogdown::new_post shows the function definition including different possible parameters:

    function (title, kind = "", open = interactive(), author = getOption(""),
        categories = NULL, tags = NULL, date = Sys.Date(), time = getOption("blogdown.time",
            FALSE), file = NULL, slug = NULL, title_case = getOption("blogdown.title_case"),
        subdir = getOption("blogdown.subdir", "post"), ext = getOption("blogdown.ext",