I'm not sure if it's possible to do this so going to first explain what I want to happen.
my PowerShell module function has this parameter
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf })][ValidatePattern("\.xml$")][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$PolicyPaths,
It accepts multiple .xml
I've been using this argument completer for it:
$ArgumentCompleterPolicyPaths = {
Get-ChildItem | where-object { $_.extension -like '*.xml' } | foreach-object { return "`"$_`"" }
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName "Deploy-SignedWDACConfig" -ParameterName "PolicyPaths" -ScriptBlock $ArgumentCompleterPolicyPaths
It's been working fine. Now I want to improved it so that when I need to select multiple .xml
files from the current working directory, and start selecting them by pressing Tab (without typing anything because I don't know the file names), the suggested files don't contain the ones I've already selected. The way I select them is by pressing Tab first and after each selected file, add a comma ,
and then press Tab again to select another from the suggestions.
I've tried 2 new argument completers but none of them work the way I want.
here is the first one:
$ArgumentCompleterPolicyPaths = {
# Get the current command and the already bound parameters
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
# Get the xml files in the current directory
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.Extension -like '*.xml' } | ForEach-Object {
# Check if the file is already selected
if ($fakeBoundParameters.PolicyPaths -notcontains $_.FullName) {
# Return the file name with quotes
return "`"$_`""
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName "Deploy-SignedWDACConfig" -ParameterName "PolicyPaths" -ScriptBlock $ArgumentCompleterPolicyPaths
and here is the second one:
# Define a class that inherits from ArgumentCompleterAttribute
class XmlFileCompleter : ArgumentCompleterAttribute {
# Override the GetArgumentCompletionSuggestions method
[System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]] GetArgumentCompletionSuggestions(
) {
# Get all XML files in the current directory
$xmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter *.xml
# Filter out the files that have already been selected
$xmlFiles = $xmlFiles | Where-Object { $fakeBoundParameters[$parameterAst.ParameterName] -notcontains $_.Name }
# Return the file names as completion results
foreach ($xmlFile in $xmlFiles) {
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($xmlFile.Name, $xmlFile.Name, 'ParameterValue', $xmlFile.Name)
The last throws this error in VS code:
Unable to find type [ArgumentCompleterAttribute].
P.S This is current behavior with my argument tab completer, see how it suggests the same file that I already selected: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtCaUNAJbbvIhupw8-67jn6ScaBOGw?e=a35FoG
it's APNG file so just drag n drop it on a browser.
The problem is that the dictionary of provisionally bound parameters, $fakeBoundParameters
, only contains information about other parameters if you haven't typed a prefix of a non-initial array element to be completed.
That is, with el1
and el2
representing previously typed / tab-completed array elements, pressing Tab after el1, el2,
causes the parameter at hand not to be included as an entry in $fakeBoundParameters
, so that the el1
and el2
values cannot be examined that way.
dictionary passed to argument-completers, up to at least PowerShell 7.4.0-preview.3: a syntactically incomplete expression such as el1, el2,
seemingly prevents inclusion of the array elements provided so far; see GitHub issue #17975Therefore, for an array parameter being tab-completed without having typed at least one character at the start of the new element, any array elements previously typed / completed are in effect not reflected in $fakeBoundParameters
The workaround is to search the command AST passed reflected in the $commandAst
completer script-block for string-constant expressions that end end in .xml
, as shown below:
Register-ArgumentCompleter `
-CommandName Deploy-SignedWDACConfig `
-ParameterName PolicyPaths `
-ScriptBlock {
# Get the current command and the already bound parameters
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
# Find all string constants in the AST that end in ".xml"
$existing = $commandAst.FindAll({
$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst] -and
$args[0].Value -like '*.xml'
# Get the xml files in the current directory
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.xml | ForEach-Object {
# Check if the file is already selected
if ($_.FullName -notin $existing) {
# Return the file name with quotes
As for your attempt to use ArgumentCompleterAttribute
You got an error, because you didn't use the full type name as the base class name in your custom class
definition, System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute
suffix, i.e. ArgumentCompleter
does seem to work without a namespace qualifier.That said, instead of sub-classing this ArgumentCompleter
, you could simply use it directly, passing the same script block you used with Register-ArgumentCompleter
as an attribute property; that is, inside your Deploy-SignedWDACConfig
command, you can decorate the $PolicyPaths
parameter declaration with [ArgumentCompleter({ ... })]