Is it possible to change a var's value conditionally?
I have a menu structure that needs to appear differently depending on whether some calculations have taken place, active = true/false.
Below is what I would LIKE to write but clearly you can't put a conditional within a var statement. How could I achieve this?
struct Results: Identifiable {
var id = UUID().uuidString
var category: String
var active: Bool
var results = [
if GlobalVariables.calculated == true {
Results(category: "Results", active: true)
} else {
Results(category: "Results", active: false)
for this simple case, you could try using a ternary, like this:
var results = [ GlobalVariables.calculated ? Results(category: "Results", active: true) : Results(category: "Results", active: false)
print("---> results: \(results) \n")