Search code examples

List distinct values based on a condition

List Distinct Value in Alphabet Column where all Alphabets that has RID 101 only Shall be eliminated from the list.

RID Alphabet
100 A
101 B
102 B
101 C
104 D
101 D
106 E
102 F
108 C
108 A
104 E

Output Column shall be


Since A, B, & C has RID 101 and should be eliminated.

How shall I achieve This? I have tried to use Group by with having function? And Where exists but did not work for me? Appreciate your help


  • try this

    SELECT Alphabet FROM `mytable` WHERE Alphabet NOT IN (
      SELECT Alphabet FROM `mytable` WHERE RID = 101

    Based on your new info your solution might be a performance killer because of using HAVING MAX(when case...). But with Rating.rID as index the solution below will work very well:

    Select Movie.title From Movie
      Left Join Rating on Rating.mID = Movie.mID
      Left Join Reviewer on Rating.rID = Reviewer.rID
      WHERE Movie.mID NOT IN (
        SELECT Rating.mID FROM Rating WHERE Rating.rID = 205
    GROUP BY Movie.mID