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C# WPF - Passing IConfiguration to Page's ViewModel from Window

I can easily pass in an IConfiguration appsettings.json to a Window in WPF, which is what I have done in the past. Now I am trying to do this the proper way and pass it into a ViewModel that is assigned as the DataContext of a Page that is being displayed on a Window. I'm loading the Page into a Frame on the Window. I would like to pass the config to the ViewModel of the Page so I dont have to reread it in manually.

Here is what I currently have and some stuff I tried:

    public partial class HomeWindow : Window
        readonly IConfiguration _config;
        public HomeWindow(IConfiguration config)
            _config = config;

            // Instantiate the Object with JSON settings.
            DataContext = new HomeWindowVM(config)

    public class HomeWindowVM
        readonly IConfiguration _config;
        //public INotify btnCheckoutPage { get; set; }
        public object MyFrameContent { get; set; }

        public HomeWindowVM(IConfiguration config)
            _config = config;
            CheckoutClickCommand = new MyCommand(CheckoutClick);
            ShipmentClickCommand = new MyCommand(ShipmentClick);
            frameURI = new INotify();
            frameVis = new INotify();
            frameVis.MyProperty = "Hidden";

        private void CheckoutClick()
            frameURI.MyProperty = "CheckoutPage.xaml";
            frameVis.MyProperty = "Visible";
// I tried this 
            //CheckoutPage checkoutPage = new CheckoutPage(_config);
            //MyFrameContent = new CheckoutPage(_config);


    public partial class CheckoutPage : Page
        readonly IConfiguration _config;

        public CheckoutPage()
            DataContext = new CheckoutPageVM();
        public CheckoutPage(IConfiguration config)
            _config = config;

            //Frame frame = new Frame();
            DataContext = new CheckoutPageVM(config);

    public class CheckoutPageVM 
        readonly IConfiguration _config;

        public CheckoutPageVM(IConfiguration config)
            _config = config;
            LblErrorProjectNum = new INotify();
            LblErrorProjectNum.MyProperty = "Hidden";
            LblErrorTransfer = new INotify();
            LblErrorTransfer.MyProperty = "Hidden";
            CheckoutSubmitCommand = new MyCommand(CheckoutSubmit);            


  • There's no one proper way to do this, but I'm guessing you've got a background in ASP.NET and are familiar with dependency injection. Of course WPF doesn't use that pattern and it's probably overkill in this case. A statically accessible singleton works perfectly fine and avoids the morass of passing the config instance around through constructors or other over-engineered solutions:

    // In your Model layer
    public static class MyConfiguration
         public static IConfiguration Instance { get; private set; }
         public static void Load(IConfiguration config) 
              // call this when the app initializes
              Instance = config;

    Then if individual classes need instance properties for binding, etc., it's as simple as:

    public partial class HomeWindow : Window
        public IConfiguration Config => MyConfiguration.Instance;
        // ...
    public class CheckoutPageVM 
        public IConfiguration Config => MyConfiguration.Instance;
        // ...
    public partial class CheckoutPage : Page
        public IConfiguration Config => MyConfiguration.Instance;
        // ...
