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Can mypy report on all the data types of a file? how?

I'm exploring creating some IDE-mypy integration. Obviously I can run mypy to find typing errors. I can also use dmypy with inspect to find the type of a particular variable at a particular line and column. I can also use reveal_type() to inspect a particular variable. But how can I can a list of every piece of type information a file? In effect running reveal_type() on everything. This would include a list of every variable and its type for example. Can mypy do this? If so, how?


  • Yes, this is possible, but I don't think mypy makes it very easy to do this. You'll also have to decide how to report the information.

    One possible way to (say) make mypy act as if reveal_type was around every expression is to perform an in-place AST transform to wrap all expressions with a reveal_type(<expression>) call before mypy begins any analysis.

    The following is a non-complete plugin implementation which will call reveal_type on every expression in a module with the exact name my_module_of_interest. This plugin requires interpreted mypy (uninstall mypy then e.g. pip install mypy --no-binary mypy); this is because most of mypy's core visitor classes are not subclassable under compiled mypy.

    The result of an IDE lint is shown below (PyCharm, 11086-mypy plugin):

    enter image description here

    Running mypy on this module:

    $ mypy note: Revealed type is "Literal['\ndocstring\n']?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[3]?" note: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal[1]?, Literal[2]?, Literal[3]?]" note: Revealed type is "Literal[1]?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[2]?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[3]?" note: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal[1]?, Literal[2]?, Literal[3]?, Literal[4]?]" note: Revealed type is "Literal[1]?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[2]?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[3]?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[4]?" note: Revealed type is "Literal[8]?"
    Success: no issues found in 1 source file


    # Relative directory to the plugin module. Must contain the entry
    # point `def plugin(version: str) -> type[mypy.plugin.Plugin]`.
    plugins = relative/path/to/


    from __future__ import annotations
    import typing as t
    import mypy.nodes
    import mypy.plugin
    import mypy.treetransform
    import mypy.types
        import mypy.options
    def plugin(version: str) -> type[mypy.plugin.Plugin]:
        mypy plugin entry
        return RevealTypePlugin
    class RevealTypePlugin(mypy.plugin.Plugin):
        mypy plugin which reports `reveal_type` on expressions in a module
        def get_additional_deps(
            self, file: mypy.nodes.MypyFile
        ) -> list[tuple[int, str, int]]:
            Hook in to `get_additional_deps` to transform a module's expressions into
            # The test module we're using is called `my_module_of_interest`, with a file
            # path of ``.
            if file.fullname == "my_module_of_interest":
                transformer: _RevealTypeTransformer = _RevealTypeTransformer()
                transformer.test_only = (
                    True  # Needed to allow calling node transforms on a module
                file.defs = transformer.mypyfile(file).defs
            return super().get_additional_deps(file)
    class _RevealTypeTransformer(mypy.treetransform.TransformVisitor):
        For all expressions except the l-value of assignment statements, transform the
        expression into `reveal_type(<expression>)`.
        # State variable when set when entering and exiting visitation of an assignment
        # statement's l-values
        _allow_reveal_type_wrap: bool = True
        def visit_assignment_stmt(
            self, node: mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt
        ) -> mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt:
            Visits assignment statements, disabling expression transformation when visiting
            the statement's l-values.
            self._allow_reveal_type_wrap = False
            new_lvalues: list[mypy.nodes.Lvalue] = self.expressions(node.lvalues)
            self._allow_reveal_type_wrap = True
            # The following steps are to add and tweak `reveal_type`'s reporting context
            # This will recursively add `reveal_type` to compound expressions:
            # a = 1, 2 -> a = reveal_type((reveal_type(1), reveal_type(2)))
            new_rvalue: mypy.nodes.Expression = self.expr(node.rvalue)
            # Shifts the outer `reveal_type(<...>)` node to be at the
            # left-hand-side assignment statement:
            # a                    = (reveal_type(1), reveal_type(2))
            #             vvvvvvv    ^            ^               ^
            # reveal_type(<tuple>)   <tuple>
            # At this stage, the `reveal_type` expression is at `a`, but the reporting
            # context is at `<tuple>`, which is still on the right-hand-side of the
            # assignment.
            # Wrap the `reveal_type` in another `reveal_type`. This will now report
            # properly:
            # a                                 = (reveal_type(1), reveal_type(2))
            # ^           vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv                 ^               ^
            # reveal_type(reveal_type(<tuple>))
            new_rvalue_at_lvalue: mypy.nodes.Expression = self._makeRevealTypeNode(
            # The rest of this is the same as `super().visit_assignment_stmt`
            new: mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt = mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt(
            new.line = node.line
            new.is_final_def = node.is_final_def
            new.type = self.optional_type(node.type)
            return new
        def expr(self, expr: mypy.nodes.Expression) -> mypy.nodes.Expression:
            Makes a copy of an expression node, wrapping it in `reveal_type(<node>)` if
            new_expr: mypy.nodes.Expression = super().expr(expr)
            if self._allow_reveal_type_wrap:
                new_expr = self._makeRevealTypeNode(new_expr)
            return new_expr
        def _makeRevealTypeNode(expr: mypy.nodes.Expression) -> mypy.nodes.CallExpr:
            Turns an expression node into a `reveal_type(<node>)`
            callee_ref_node: mypy.nodes.NameExpr = mypy.nodes.NameExpr(name="reveal_type")
            callee_node: mypy.nodes.CallExpr = mypy.nodes.CallExpr(
                callee_ref_node, [expr], [mypy.nodes.ARG_POS], [None]
            return callee_node