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VS Code Duplicate Line hotkey does not work in Linux Mint

I've recently migrated from windows to Linux (specifically Linux Mint Cinnamon) and in VS Code I'm used to being able to Copy Line up or down via this hotkey: Shift+Alt+Down and Shift+Alt+Up

I looked up the equivalent in Linux and found this helpful Stack Overflow page stating I should use the following for Linux: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down and Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up

However, when I try and use this, nothing happens. The keybind appears to do nothing.

I've tried rebinding the keys to alternatives and this works, but they aren't as comfortable to press as the default. Is there anything I can do to use the default linux keybinds? Why do these defaults not work for Linux Mint?


  • Found a solution from this reddit thread running:

    gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.keybindings.wm move-to-workspace-up []
    gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.keybindings.wm move-to-workspace-down []

    removes the existing keybinds, allowing the default linux keybinds to work.