I am a newbie to Spring 3 , and am learning on my own. I have run into a issue regarding framesets.
In my page , I have included 3 framesets , something like this
<frameset rows="10">
<frame src="/WEB-INF/views/frame1.jsp" name="frame1"scrolling="no">
<frameset cols="20%,*">
<frame src="/WEB-INF/views/frame2.jsp" name="frame2">
<frame src="/WEB-INF/views/frame3.jsp" name="frame3">
Now when I run the frameset page it throws a resource not found exception , I do not get why.
Is it that I have to define the mapping for each of the frame*.jsp pages in the Controller. Any examples would be appreciated
Thanks in advance : Vivek
Normally the browser itself should not be able to access files located under WEB-INF (this is an app-container thing). You'd need to map them to something publicly-accessible; a view, a JSP not under WEB-INF, etc.