I have a pretty special use case - which may seem crazy - but I think it's a reasonable extreme edge case, and I think the answer is "it's just not possible in any way" but I'm asking all the same in case someone has an idea.
We have a huge amount of KPIs. I want to define them in a central dbt seed (relatively static table). Schema would be something like:
)IF(`action_type` = "foo", `action_count`, 0)
)I then want to join this from my BigQuery table (dbt model) based on the join keys and execute the kpi_sql_expr and store the value in a column called kpi_name (well, i'd probably store the information in a single JSON column called kpi because there could be more than 1 kpi_name for the row in question - but that's a specialisation of this use case and not core to the question). This would allow me to maintain the logic in one place and then use a generic pattern in the large number of models where I need to do this sort of thing without having to hand-curate KPIs in many, many places.
The problem I am running into as I've thought about how to solve this (and I've considered some ghastly implementations using all manner of sql/javascript UDFs) is that fundamentally, I can't run a procedural statement (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) in a SELECT context, no matter how I try to hack it. Jinja also can't help me because this sql_expr is row-level.
The ONLY way I can conceive of this being possible is to use dbt post-hook
to call a BigQuery stored procedure where I could do something ghastly like a DML update that populates this column (presumably added as NULL in my model) based on a combination of procedural stuff and select stuff. Anything like this in a post-hook is a total abuse - but I can't create some new table otherwise it would be missing from dbt's lineage - so I'd have to alter the relation just created by DBT.
Actually, I'm not even sure how I could even achieve this within a stored procedure - I still have the fundamental problem of needing to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE within a SELECT context.
Welcoming any ideas. Please trust that I have a good reason for wanting this - even if the conclusion ends up being "there's no sane way to do this".
I didn't fully answer my question but I did come up with a workaround and will share for posterity!
Instead of trying to run some per-row dynamic SQL - which is the triad of impossible, a bad idea, and non-performant, I decided that it would be the lesser of two evils to dynamically construct beastly SQL using a jinja macro.
It works like this:
{% macro add_kpis_column(aggregate=true) -%}
{%- set sql_statement -%}
WITH `kpi_seed_sql_expression` AS (
SELECT * EXCEPT(`sql_expression`),
"WHEN ",
IF(`APClient` IS NOT NULL, CONCAT("`APClient` = '", `APClient`, "'"), NULL),
IF(`parent_kpi_type` IS NOT NULL, CONCAT("`parent_kpi_type` = '", `parent_kpi_type`, "'"), NULL),
IF(`parent_campaign_id` IS NOT NULL, CONCAT("`parent_campaign_id` = ", `parent_campaign_id`), NULL)
], " AND "),
" THEN ",
{{ "CONCAT(`sql_aggregation_function`, '(', `sql_expression`, ')')" if aggregate else "`sql_expression`" }}
) AS `sql_expression`
FROM {{ ref("kpis") }}
WHERE `table_name` = "{{ this.identifier }}"
`kpi_name_sql_expression` AS (
"CASE ",
STRING_AGG(`sql_expression`, "\n" ORDER BY `APClient` DESC, `parent_kpi_type` DESC, `parent_campaign_id` DESC),
" END AS `",
) AS `sql_expression`
FROM `kpi_seed_sql_expression`
GROUP BY `kpi_name`
STRING_AGG(`sql_expression`, ", "),
) AS `sql_expression`
FROM `kpi_name_sql_expression`
{%- endset -%}
{%- if execute %}
{%- set result = run_query(sql_statement) -%}
{% else %}
{%- set result = [[]] -%}
{% endif -%}
{{ result[0][0] }} AS `kpis`
{%- endmacro %}
Example usage from dbt model:
SELECT *, {{ add_kpi_columns(aggregate=false) }}
FROM ...
This has effect of adding a single column called kpis, whose value is a JSON that maps kpi names to values.
Thinking about it, this doesn't need to be a JSON, it could be a struct. Anyway, there you have it.