I am currently transitioning from an older version of SQL Server to a PostgreSQL environment. I am having trouble finding a way to compare a timestamp's age to a set value. This is in the where clause as the goal is to take a stored timestamp and find the difference between it and the current time and then see if that is greater than 90 days old.
The original SQL Server Query:
DATEDIFF(DAY, stored_timestamp,GETDATE())>90
Current Failed PostgreSQL Attmepts:
(stored_timestamp - current_timestamp) > stored_timestamp + interval '90 Days'
I have also used other forms of grabbing current times and type casting them without the interval add on and generally run into the same error. The error most commonly received is "operator does not exist: interval > timestamp" or something of the sort where it shows I can not use the > to compare an interval to other forms of time/date data.
A straightforward but naive approach would be:
stored_timestamp < current_timestamp - interval '90 day'
But that would not exactly behave the same. From the SQL server documentation:
This function returns the count [...] of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified
Typically, in SQL Server:
select datediff(day, '2023-04-28 23:59:59', '2023-04-29 00:00:00')
Returns 1
, since a day boundary was crossed (actually: reached) during this 1 second span.
You don't get the same behavior in Postgres, which we can see if we compute the date difference with extract
select extract(
day from (
'2023-04-29 00:00:00'::timestamp
- '2023-04-28 23:59:59'::timestamp
Returns 0
, because a 1 second interval has 0 days.
If you want the same behavior in Postgres, then a simple way to proceed is to cast the timestamp to a date first (... at the cost of efficienty, unless you specifically optimize for it):
stored_timestamp::date < current_date - interval '90 day'