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How can I calculate the predicted means and its standard errors of an interaction term in a Generalized linear mixed model?

I built up model using an interaction term using the code:

be_model1 <-glmer(number_of_fledged_hatchlings ~ species*nestbox_quality + (1|habitat) + (1|year) , family = poisson, data = be)

The fixed effects "species" comprises two levels: Great tit (GT) and Blue tit (BT) and the fixed effect "nestbox_quality" as well, namely presumably "high" and presumably "low"

Now I have trouble calculating the fittet mean and its standard errors for the interaction term.

E. g. I want to know the fitted average number of Great tit hatchlings within low quality nest boxes and the standard errors of this fitted mean.

So far I tried the following codes:

> allEffects(be_model1, se=TRUE)
 model: number_of_fledged_hatchlings ~ species * nestbox_quality

 species* effect
species    high low
  GT 6.275469   6.869725
  BT 6.547347   5.819534

which didn't give me the standard errors, as well as this code:

> (ggpredict(be_model1, c("nestbox_quality", "species")))
# Predicted counts of number_of_fledged_hatchlings

# species = BT

nestbox_quality  | Predicted |       95% CI
high             |      6.28 | [5.50, 7.16]
low              |      6.87 | [6.07, 7.77]

# species = GT

nestbox_quality  | Predicted |       95% CI
high             |      6.55 | [5.80, 7.40]
low              |      5.82 | [5.21, 6.50]

Adjusted for:
*   habitat = 0 (population-level)
*      year = 0 (population-level)

for which I failed to get standard errors as well. And I've tried

> pred_model2<-predict(be_model1,type="response")
> tapply(pred_model2,list(species,nestbox_quality), mean)
         high low
BT 6.457035   6.838857
GT 6.498190   5.792777
> tapply(pred_model2,list(species,nestbox_quality), std.error)
         high low
BT 0.10072955 0.10153544
GT 0.08011282 0.05989635

Here I did recieve standard errors, but I am a little confused about the predicted means as they differ from the values I obtained using the previous lines of code.


  • You can extract this information from the effects or ggpredict package output (see below), but emmeans may be the easiest way forward.

    simulate example/fit model

    form <- fledged ~ species*nestbox_quality + (1|habitat) + (1|year)
    dd <- expand.grid(species = factor(c("GT", "BT")),
                                nestbox_quality = factor(c("low", "high"),
                                                     levels = c("low", "high")),
                                year = 2002:2005,
                                habitat = factor(1:10))
    dd$fledged <- simulate(form[-2], newdata = dd,
                           family = poisson,
                           newparams = list(beta = rep(1,4),
                                            theta = rep(1,2)))[[1]]
    m <- glmer(form, data = dd, family = poisson)


    Note that emmeans gives predictions on the link (log) scale by default: use type = "response" to get count-scale predictions

    emmeans(m, ~species*nestbox_quality)
     species nestbox_quality emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
     BT      low               1.12 0.615 Inf    -0.090      2.32
     GT      low               2.17 0.613 Inf     0.972      3.37
     BT      high              2.17 0.613 Inf     0.970      3.37
     GT      high              4.15 0.612 Inf     2.945      5.34


    using will get you the standard errors ..., terms = c("species","nestbox_quality")))
       x predicted std.error   conf.low conf.high group
    1 BT  3.051631 0.6151573  0.9139219  10.18955   low
    2 BT  8.774919 0.6130930  2.6386237  29.18158  high
    3 GT  8.786812 0.6130915  2.6422076  29.22104   low
    4 GT 63.122520 0.6121429 19.0163563 209.52765  high

    Note that ggpredict gives predictions on the count (response) scale, but does not transform the standard errors back to the count scale (arguably a bug, or at least an "infelicity")

    effects package to the rescue again:"species", "nestbox_quality"), m))
      species nestbox_quality       fit        se      lower     upper
    1      BT             low  3.051631  1.877233  0.9139219  10.18955
    2      GT             low  8.786812  5.387119  2.6422076  29.22104
    3      BT            high  8.774919  5.379841  2.6386237  29.18158
    4      GT            high 63.122520 38.640005 19.0163563 209.52765

    These SEs are appropriately transformed.