I have a interface that has an indexed property that I need to mock.
public interface MultipleLines
int Count
SomeLine this[[In] int Index]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
How can I give value to MultipleLines.Item[0/or any number ] with Fake It easy ? This is the test I tried to write:
public void Test1()
var myValue = new SomeLine();
var mockedLines = A.Fake<MultipleLines>();
A.CallTo(() => mockedLines.Item[1]).Returns(myValue);
This simple call works perfectly:
var line= mockedLines.Item[1];
Your interface seems to be a COM interface, and I think your problem might come from that. COM interop is a bit weird.
Try to use this syntax instead:
A.CallTo(() => mockedLines.get_Item(1)).Returns(myValue);
I think this trick isn't necessary with recent version of C#, but I might be mistaken. Out of curiosity, which version of C# are you using?