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Can not read from cloudformation stack when deploying to localstack

I am trying to deploy my serverless.yml to localstack but I am facing some issues. I have one serverless.yml which contains my infrastructure resources such a dynamoDB which I can successfully deploy to localstack.

Another serverless.yml references those resources in the serverless.yml like this:

  !Select [1, !Split ['/', '${cf:${self:custom.infrastructureStack}.MyDynamoDBArn}']]

This works perfectly when I deploy everything to AWS, however when I try to deploy this to localstack I receive this error:

 - Cannot resolve variable at "provider.environment.MY_DYNAMODB_TABLE.Fn::Select.1.Fn::Split.1": Value not found at "cf" source,

I am starting localstack via cli and deploying via sls deploy --stage local

When I look at the localstack cli output when deploying I can also not spot any error, the AWS cloudformation.ListStackResources returns 200 :

2023-04-26T12:38:39.871  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0]     : AWS cloudformation.ListStackResources => 200


  • I am not sure why but I solved it by replacing

      !Select [1, !Split ['/', '${cf:${self:custom.infrastructureStack}.MyDynamoDBArn}']]


      Fn::ImportValue: MyDynamoDBArn

    which worked.