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C++ Get type of a member function (return type and signature) without the 'const' qualifier of the member function

Is it possible to get the type of a member function (return type and signature) without the 'const' qualifier of the member function?

I tried it so far with decltype(T) and std::remove_const / std::decay.


void Func(std::string, int) const -> void(std::string, int)

Edit for clarification:

What I have:

void Func(std::string, int) const

What I want:

void(std::string, int)


  • Here is a way of doing this using CTAD:

    struct C
        void Func(std::string, int) const;
        void Bar(int);
    template<typename T, typename Ret, typename... Args>
    struct GetType
        using type = Ret(Args...);
        GetType(Ret (T::*)(Args...) const) 
        GetType(Ret (T::*)(Args...) ) 
    int main()
        using ret1 = decltype(GetType(&C::Func))::type; // void(std::string, int) as expected
        using ret2 = decltype(GetType(&C::Bar))::type;  //void(int)               as expected 
