Search code examples

How to extract value from a nested JSON object key with dots

I have a JSON column which have the following complex JSON Objects;


Nested JSON Object 2:



If the JSON Object type is like Nested JSON Object 1, I want to get the value of key "searchWrappingSourceID": urn:li:searchSourceID:180754

If the JSON Object type is like Nested JSON Object 2, I want to get the value of key "searchSource".

I tried using json_extract on Nested JSON Object, but it only outputs null.

json_extract(jp_source_keys, '$') as searchwrappingid_extraction
FROM table1

Is my approach correct, if not, what is the best practice to follow when dealing with complex JSON objects such as this?


  • You escape the JSON property name, for Presto/Trino syntax looks like ["prop name with special symbols"]:

    -- query
    with dataset(js_str) as (
        values '{
    -- query
    select json_extract(js_str, '$[""].searchWrappingSourceID') searchWrappingSourceID,
           json_extract(js_str, '$[""].searchSource') searchSource
    from dataset;

    Or process data by parsing it into json (json_parse) and casting it to map like in this answer.