**String1='Deepak25 is awesome5'**
#I want the sum of numbers i.e. 30 as output.
String2='I am 25 years and 10 months old'
Sum = 35`
for String2 I have used string split method and calculated the Sum. But for String1 I am not able to do it. Is there a way to calculate Sum.
You can use regex to find all the integer in the string.
Once you have the list, cast it to integer then sum all the elements
import re
String1='Deepak25 is awesome5'
String2='I am 25 years and 10 months old'
#create pattern, only number, any length
p = re.compile('[0-9]+')
#get the list of all match
l = re.findall(p, String2)
#cast to int and sum the list
result = sum([int(x) for x in l])
# output : 30 for String 1 | 35 for String2
Of course you'll have to create a function with that to implement it in a clean way :)
Note that this won't work with floating point number, you'll have to modify the regex pattern