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Flutter Flame OS Error: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process " when using audio file .wav

Hi I'am buiding a game and I loaded the required .wav files to be played when the player colloid with an obstacle :"file.wav")

But when I restart the app in debug mode it gives me an error:

OS Error: 
FileSystemException (FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'C:\Users\ashoukry\AppData\Local\Temp/file.wav'
"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process " 

What I am tried : I used the following code but with no success and it gives the same error:

      AudioPLayer player = await"file.wav");


Also :

      AudioPLayer player = await"file.wav");



  • I figured out the problem just update the method load in audio_cache.dart:

    Future<Uri> load(String fileName) async {
        if (!loadedFiles.containsKey(fileName)) {
          //==========add these lines,it ensures that file is deleted before used again======
           final file = fileSystem.file('${await getTempDir()}/$fileName');
          if (file != null) {
            if (file.existsSync()) await file.delete();
          loadedFiles[fileName] = await fetchToMemory(fileName);
        return loadedFiles[fileName]!;