In my streamlit app, I use a form for the user to input some filters (date-range etc). On submit, a visualization is shown with a download-button below to download a CSV of the shown data
Something like (pseudo-code)
with st.form(key="input_parameters"):
choices = st.multiselect(...)
.... more inputs here
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
if submitted:
data = get_data(choices,...)
st.download_button("Download CSV",data)
my problem is that after the user clicked the download_button, the page reloads and the graphics disappears. How can I solve that? Is there a way to resubmit the form with the same input again?
The problem is that the script is rerun after the user presses the submit button, resetting submitted
to False
You can circumvent this behaviour by adding a flag to the session state and check if it was previously set. Maybe there are more elegant ways of doing this, but this is one way:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dummy_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 2)), columns=['X', 'Y'])
# check if the key exists in session state
_ = st.session_state.keep_graphics
except AttributeError:
# otherwise set it to false
st.session_state.keep_graphics = False
with st.form(key="input_parameters"):
choices = st.multiselect('Choose me', ['Plot1', 'Plot2'])
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
if submitted or st.session_state.keep_graphics:
st.session_state.keep_graphics = True
st.download_button("Download CSV", dummy_data.to_csv())