I have a dataset with alphanumeric strings. I am trying to replace the numeric part of the string with "nnnn" and the alphabet part with "aaaa". The length of the alphabet and numeric part does not matter.
Example: | What I am expecting |
#100001032218888example1 | #nnnnaaaannnn |
#1-example-2 | #nnnn-aaaa-nnnn |
I tried this:
mutate(str_alpha = str_replace_all(col_name, "\\w+", "aaaa"),
str_num_alpha = str_replace_all(str_alpha, "\\d+", "nnnn"))
I think I got the "\\w+" incorrect because it replaces the numeric part of the string too.
Can someone please help? Thank you.
Do the reverse i.e. replace first the alphabets and then the digits so
str_replace_all(str_replace_all(str1, "[[:alpha:]]+", "aaaa"), "\\d+", "nnnn")
[1] "#nnnnaaaannnn" "#nnnn-aaaa-nnnn"
Or using a named vector in a single str_replace_all
str_replace_all(str1, setNames(c("aaaa", "nnnn"), c("[[:alpha:]]+", "\\d+")))
[1] "#nnnnaaaannnn" "#nnnn-aaaa-nnnn"
str1 <- c("#100001032218888example1", "#1-example-2")