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get stored data from sharedpreferences flutter

Please, help me. I dont know what is wrong with this code: trying to get the user passcode stored in preference but geting errot this is my tried code


        class AuthenticationPinBloc extends Bloc<AuthenticationPinEvent, AuthenticationPinState> {
    final PINRepository pinRepository;
    isUserloggedIn() async {
      // Obtain shared preferences.
      final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
      var passcode = prefs.getString('status');
    AuthenticationPinBloc({required this.pinRepository}) : super(const AuthenticationPinState(pinStatus: AuthenticationPINStatus.enterPIN)) {
      on<AuthenticationPinAddEvent>((event, emit) async {
        String pin = "${}${event.pinNum}";
        if(pin.length < 6){
          emit(AuthenticationPinState(pin: pin, pinStatus: AuthenticationPINStatus.enterPIN));
        // match pin with store data from SharedPreferences
        else if (pin == passcode){
          emit(AuthenticationPinState(pin: pin, pinStatus: AuthenticationPINStatus.equals));

    In the line (pin == passcode) I get an error:

    print passcode also has error am new to Flutter

    will be very glad to get help


  • passcode is possible null, right? i think you can null check.

    like followed code.

    final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    final String passcode = prefs.getString('status');
    if (passcode == null)
        await prefs.setString('status', '');
        String passcode = '';

    i'm not sure this solution. addition, need to your error message.