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I want to apply unpivot function in SQL Server and Sqllite

I have below table

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday WeekStartsOn
8 8 8 8 8 2019-09-06

I want to convert it to below table

DayOftheWeek ActualHrs WeekStartsOn TimecardDate
Monday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-07
Tuesday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-08
Wednesday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-09
Thursday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-10
Friday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-11

The logic To add **TimecardDate **is for Monday-->WeekstartsOn+1, Tuesday--> WeekStartsOn+2 .... , Friday--> WeekstartsOn+5

I have tried below Query

SELECT ActualHrs,DayOftheWeek,WeekStartsOn
FROM (select Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,WeekStartsOn
from itplanning.enriched.timecard_enriched_current) as cp 
ActualHrs FOR DayOftheWeek IN (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday ) 
AS PivotTable
where ActualHrs<>0 

with this Above query, I have got below table

DayOftheWeek ActualHrs WeekStartsOn
Monday 8 2019-09-06
Tuesday 8 2019-09-06
Wednesday 8 2019-09-06
Thursday 8 2019-09-06
Friday 8 2019-09-06

I am unable to do the TimecardDate column.

Actual table is below

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday WeekStartsOn
8 8 8 8 8 2019-09-06

Expected Table is below

DayOftheWeek ActualHrs WeekStartsOn TimecardDate
Monday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-07
Tuesday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-08
Wednesday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-09
Thursday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-10
Friday 8 2019-09-06 2019-09-11


  • You can do something like this instead:

    SELECT  v.d,v.hours,DATEADD(DAY, v.addDay, WeekStartsOn), WeekStartsOn
    FROM itplanning.enriched.timecard_enriched_current
      VALUES(Monday,'Monday', 1),(Tuesday,'Tuesday', 2),(Wednesday, 'Wednesday', 3),(Thursday, 'Thursday', 4),(Friday, 'Friday', 5)
     ) v(hours, d, addDay)
    where hours<>0 

    I unpivot manually and creates a two column table containing week and how many days to add to start of the week

    Edit: added an alternative that does it with pivot syntax

    select *
    ,   dateadd(day, case DayOftheWeek when 'monday' then 1 when 'tuesday' then 2 when 'wednesday' then 3 when 'thursday' then 4 when 'friday' then 5 end, weekstartson) AS TimecardDate
    FROM itplanning.enriched.timecard_enriched_current
    ActualHrs FOR DayOftheWeek IN (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday ) 
    AS PivotTable

    Edit #3 (SQLite edition):

    with cte as (
        select monday, 'monday', 1 AS addition, weekstartson
        from timecard_enriched_current
        select tuesday, 'tuesday', 2, weekstartson
        from timecard_enriched_current
        select wednesday, 'wednesday', 3, weekstartson
        from timecard_enriched_current
        select thursday, 'thursday', 4, weekstartson
        from timecard_enriched_current
        select friday, 'friday', 5, weekstartson
        from timecard_enriched_current
    select *, DATE(weekstartson, '+' || addition || ' days') AS TimecardDate
    from cte
    order by addition