I'm making a little program for a project in Java, but I have some problems with the layout. I created 3 Panel and I wanted them to be like this:
I tried with BorderLayout, setting 2 of the panels on north and 1 on center and it didn't work, I tried to make them Weast an East and the last in South, but didn't work.
Now I tried FlowLayout and it's not working for the 2 others panel, I have this:
I put the code of my View Package of this interfaces (we are using MVC), if someone could help me I would appreciate it. Thanks guys!
package View;
import Model.Client;
import Model.Magasin;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Vector;
public class Statistiques extends JFrame {
JLabel article = new JLabel("Nombre article vendu:");
JLabel chifre_affair = new JLabel("Chifre d'Affair:");
JLabel art_plus_vendu = new JLabel("Article plus vendus:");
JLabel nbTArticle = new JLabel("2");
JLabel nbChiffreAffair = new JLabel("3");
JLabel nomArticlePlusVendus = new JLabel("iPhone12");
Magasin magasin;
Vector<Client> listeClients = new Vector<Client>();
JComboBox clients = new JComboBox<>(listeClients);
JLabel espace = new JLabel();
JLabel art_plus_achete = new JLabel("Article plus achete:");
JLabel nomArticlePlusAchete = new JLabel();
JLabel list_label = new JLabel("liste articles achete: ");
JComboBox vendeurs = new JComboBox<>();
JLabel art= new JLabel("Article plus achete:");
JLabel nom = new JLabel();
JLabel listv_label = new JLabel("liste articles achete: ");
JPanel general_north = new JPanel();
JPanel client_north = new JPanel();
JPanel vendeurs_center = new JPanel();
public Statistiques(Magasin m){
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800,800));
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
magasin = m;
listeClients = magasin.listeClient;
general_north.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2,1,1));
client_north.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1,1,1));
client_north.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,200));
vendeurs_center.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
vendeurs_center.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800,400));
You need to use a compound layout (several LayoutManagers). So use BorderLayout and add one JPanel as north and the vendeurs_center as center. Then inside the north panel use e.g. GridLayout and place two components general_north and client_north.
As an alternative use GridBagLayout - that is one of the layouts that will achieve everything in one go:
In one component configured with GridBagLayout add all three components like this:
general_north: Position 1,1
client_north: Position 2,1
vendeurs_center: Position 1,2; spanX: 2
The advantage is that here you have lots of additional options to play with. Most important in my eyes is the capability to define how the components should grow/shrink when the window gets resized.