I'm using ReactJS Particles and after a while, it becomes very very fast and annoying to the eye. I need help the time is not always the same sometimes it happens after 15 minutes sometimes less sometimes more. Please help me to fix this.
import { useCallback } from "react";
import Particles from "react-tsparticles";
import { loadFull } from "tsparticles";
const Parlex = () => {
const particlesInit = useCallback(async engine => {
// you can initiate the tsParticles instance (engine) here, adding custom shapes or presets
// this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
// starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
await loadFull(engine);
}, []);
const particlesLoaded = useCallback(async container => {
}, []);
return (
background: {
color: {
value: "#fff",
fpsLimit: 30,
interactivity: {
events: {
onHover: {
enable: true,
mode: "repulse",
resize: true,
modes: {
push: {
quantity: 4,
repulse: {
distance: 200,
duration: 0.4,
particles: {
color: {
value: "#4a58de",
links: {
color: "#8150ed",
distance: 150,
enable: true,
opacity: 0.3,
width: 1,
collisions: {
enable: true,
move: {
directions: "none",
enable: true,
outModes: {
default: "bounce",
random: false,
straight: false,
number: {
density: {
enable: true,
area: 800,
value: 80,
opacity: {
value: 0.3,
shape: {
type: "circle",
size: {
value: { min: 1, max: 5 },
}; export default Parlex
I tried to change FPS limits and speed but it's the same.
I Disabled collisions and it worked