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Illegal Expression In WHEN of CASE Expression : How to solve this error

i have error in teradata that say :

Illegal Expression In WHEN of CASE Expression

Here is my data : enter link description here

And that's my query :

    CASE WHEN Country='UK' AND Customer IN (SELECT DISTINCT Customer FROM table WHERE 
    Customer<>'A') THEN 'EUR' ELSE 'OTHER' END AS Continent_E
 FROM table

Suppose that in my real data there are 20 distinct customers that are different to A, how can i write the query to not have an error

Can you help me Kind regards


  • Teradata does not allow IN (subquery) within a CASE expression. If you need this type of logic, you could use outer join pattern instead:

    SELECT T.*,
        CASE WHEN Country='UK' 
          AND X.Customer IS NOT NULL /* Outer Join found a match */
        THEN 'EUR' 
        ELSE 'OTHER' END AS Continent_E
     FROM myTable T
     LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Customer FROM CustTable WHERE Customer<>'A') X
     ON T.Customer = X.Customer;