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All new revision fail on Cloud Run for a single region. "Unable to create 0 instances for "XXX" because there are already 0 in this region"

I have 2 services running on GCP. Everytime the source repos is updated a new revision is deployed by a gitlab pipeline with the following command:

gcloud run deploy api-demo --project <my_project_name> --region europe-west1 --image $API_IMAGE:latest

It was working fine until today but now it is impossible to create new revision on Cloud Run for the region europe-west1. Every time I try to create a new revision the status of the revision is pending for about 15 minutes then the status is updated to "Unable to create 0 instances for "<name_of_the_revision>" because there are already 0 in this region."

I am the owner of the project so I don't think it's a permission probleme.
I looked at my quotat and there are none above 20% so that shouln't be the problem either.
According to GCP status there are no incident currently.

Any idea of what could be the source of the errors?

  1. I tried to create revision manually from the web console, it gave me the same error.
  2. I tried to create a new service in the same region with the hello exemple image, it gave me the same error.
  3. I tried to copy my service to another region (europe-west12) and it worked this time.


  • Found the solution here:

    Basicly the max number of instance that could scale on that reagion was superior to 10 and because of that the quota "Cloud Run: maximum instance per region" was triggered even if only 2 instances were running and despite it not being shown as such.

    So reducing the maximum number of instance or increasing the quota solve the probleme.