I am trying to insert elements in python into my TypeDB database from a CSV file. I have the following problem, when I try to insert a date in a field, I have the following error
typedb.common.exception.TypeDBClientException: [QRY01] Invalid Query Pattern: The class 'ValueConstraint.Constant.String' cannot be casted to 'ValueConstraint.Constant.DateTime'.
This is my code
def format_date_time(date_string):
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
return date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]
typeql_insert_query += ', has opening-date "'+format_date_time(account["opening-date"])+'";'
I tried changing the date format to:
I also tried to put my date like this in my TypeQL insertion:
typeql_insert_query += ', has opening-date datetime("'+format_date_time(account["opening-date"])+'");'
Your problem isn't the format of the datetime value, but the fact that you wrap it in quotes, which makes it a string:
typeql_insert_query += ', has opening-date "'+format_date_time(account["opening-date"])+'";'
# ~ ~
Removing the quotes around the formatted datetime should resolve the issue.