The added image is created from the following code:
B <- addmargins(table(data$range, data$symbols))
B[] <- sprintf('%s (%s)', as.matrix(B), paste0(round(prop.table(as.matrix(B), 1), 2) * 200, '%'))
kable_styling(bootstrap_options= c("striped", "hover"), font_size=16, position="center")
The last column is called SUM, which you can see. I want to remove the %
sign from the last column.
To achieve this, I tried using gsub
like so
res <- gsub("%","", B[ , ncol(B[])])
kable_styling(bootstrap_options= c("striped", "hover"), font_size=16, position="center")
It does remove the %
signs, but it also removes all the other columns, and only shows the last column. How can I make it keep the other columns?
First, you can avoid the need to remove "%" by just adding percentages to columns that do not include the Sum
column (referring to B[,-ncol(B)]
instead of B
or B[]
in the sprintf
statement will add percentages to all columns except the last one).
In addressing the posted question, using made up data based on the example image above:
B <- data.frame(
O = c("14 (54%)", "20 (64%)"),
A = c("9 (34%)", "5 (16%)"),
AB = c("0 (0%)", "1 (4%)"),
B = c("3 (12%)", "5 (16%)"),
Sum = c("26 (100%)", "31 (100%)")
You can use the following to just remove "%" (original question):
B[,ncol(B)] <- sub("%", "", B[,ncol(B)])
O A AB B Sum
1 14 (54%) 9 (34%) 0 (0%) 3 (12%) 26 (100)
2 20 (64%) 5 (16%) 1 (4%) 5 (16%) 31 (100)
To remove the open parenthesis "(" and everything after it (follow up comment) you can do:
B[,ncol(B)] <- sub(" \\(.*", "", B[,ncol(B)])
O A AB B Sum
1 14 (54%) 9 (34%) 0 (0%) 3 (12%) 26
2 20 (64%) 5 (16%) 1 (4%) 5 (16%) 31
To remove both the parentheses and all text contained between them, you can do:
B[,ncol(B)] <- sub(" \\(.*)", "", B[,ncol(B)])
Note: If you have multiple parentheses, you can use gsub
and a different pattern.