Search code examples

Buefy table emty slot does not show the text

I have a Nuxt project with Buuefy implementation. I tried to make table with #empty slot when no data are available but it does not work. Documentation for Buefy table uses

<template #empty>
    <div class="has-text-centered">No records</div>

My code looks like

<b-table :data="companies" id="agencyCompaniesTable" bordered>
    <b-table-column v-for="column in columns" :key="" v-bind="column">
        <template v-if="column.searchable && !column.numeric"
            <b-input v-model="props.filters[props.column.field]"
                   size="is-small" />
        <template v-slot="props">
            {{ props.row[column.field] }}

    <template #empty>
      <div class="has-text-centered">No records</div>

The code is identcal the table is empty but I dont see the text "No records". What could be the problem? Thanks for any help.


  • I am using an older version of buefy (0.7.0) and I resolved it this way

     <template slot="empty">
        <div class="has-text-centered">No records</div>