I'm not sure how to color one part of the text with one color and another part with a different color. It's probably just easier to show you what I want with a picture.
This is the best I can get it to do.
This is what I want (I edited this image in photoshop)
Correct (with photoshop):
Here is some code for reference.
import graphviz
graph = graphviz.Digraph()
graph.attr('node', shape='circle')
graph.node("1", label="1")
graph.node("2", label="2")
graph.edge("1", "2", label="abcdef", fontcolor="red")
Here is the answer in straight Graphviz. Create an HTML-like textitem (https://graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html#html)
digraph C {
a->b [label=<a bc<font color="red">d ef </font><font color="green">g h i</font>>]