I have the comment model as:
const commentSchema = new Schema(
content: String,
score: Number,
replyingTo: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Comment" },
const Comment = mongoose.model("Comment", commentSchema);
I want to return a query like below. how can I do that?
content:"s sample content for comment",
replies:["644914e42dcb3e56cf9e8f4b" , "675fd4914e42dcb3edfr8f9e8f4b" ,"234fd4914e42dcb3edfr8dfr8f4b"]
I guess with virtual properties or aggregation framework can we do that
you can get the array of replies by doing a self $lookup
. After that it is just a $project
. Since your output has stringified object ids you might have to $map
through the array and convert each $toString
. If this is not needed you can just project replies: "$replies._id"
$lookup: {
from: "comments",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "replyingTo",
as: "replies"
$project: {
_id: 0,
content: 1,
score: 1,
replies: {
$map: {
input: "$replies",
as: "reply",
in: {
$toString: "$$reply._id"