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Cocos2d-iPhone or Sparrow for first time 2D iOS game development?

I've just gotten basic UIKit down. I've made several personal apps and such, but now I'm ready to move on to a game with some other developers. Both of these frameworks look powerful and have tons of bells and whistles.

Does anyone have a preference? Are there pros and cons when compared to each other? They both seem to have similar syntax and performance.


  • while working as a game developer specifically for ios, cocos2d is best suitable.Some of the reason are as:

    1.Open source and objective-c language of cost learn a lot means u have to compromise with development time. supports PVRTC texture which reduce memory usage. PVRTC is an image format. When it is loaded into RAM, it consumes less memory at the expense of image quality. PVRTC is not yet supported in the current version of Sparrow.

    for sparrow: it's still inits development phase It is highly similar to the framework in Flash/Flex. If you are a Actionscript 3 developer, you will be highly familiar with Sparrow. no support for PVRTC, No integrated Physics engine and particle system.

    below is the list of resources which i found as a beginner for development. You can jump to some of the links

    what is chipmunk/physics engine

    list of all frameworks

    hope it help u!!